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Their discovery was not made public in the usual wayin a letter to NATURE, or at a meeting of the Chemical Societybut during a children’s radio quiz-show in November, during which a twelve-year-old boy asked, “Mr. Two weeks after percutaneous ethanol injection therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma, performed by injecting mL ethanol in a single session with general anesthesia, a year-old woman with well-compensated liver cirrhosis developed an extensive thrombosis of the whole portal tree that caused severe uncorrectable ascites and progressive deterioration of her general condition, resulting in death 6 weeks after the procedure. Everywhere you look in Paris, someone is doing his or her best to ruin your waistline. Setting the stage As you probably know, both Auto-Sleepers and Autocruise have always favoured the Peugeot Boxer over its very close relative, the Fiat Ducato. You see, the stick grows upwards, so it’s not always clear if it will be too long or to short, or just right. 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